Private in Indonesia
Our client is one of the oldest & largest multinational consumer goods company that helps people with everyday products. The company needs to give a fine audit system to serve a better working functions and add value to the stakeholders. WGS built the application as requested to improve the effectiveness of a company’s internal controls to meet the company’s business goals. To uncover the product displays standardization at affiliated retail stores, the company needs to conduct a survey. Stores can use provided mobile application to answer principal company's questions on product condition in the market. The answers should be consistent with the facts on the field. An administrator from the principal company will run an audit check on the answers given by field auditor and do the correction. With this application the company can supervise the auditor’s daily performance from conducting a survey in the field. They can also find out the potential stores to expand the product market. To carry out the survey process is easy because it is paperless and with this application company can update their questions on the survey and get a faster result.
For a consumer goods principal company, limited resources make the task of store survey to be a strenuous job that consumes too much time. The client needed to find a system that will reduce the time consuming tasks, speed-up administration, and help with data collection.
A good auditing system application can help with the company’s needs on gathering datas, to create decisions for actionable results.
A mobile survey application is an essential tool to generate valuable data on current and potential markets, and to analyze target audience to develop better strategies to increase sales.
Ensuring the optimal performance in quality management is very important; a good system can help the clients in monitoring and help to check conformance and standards in affiliated sellers.
You have questions about our services or would you like to discuss your project? Contact us to schedule a call or a meeting. We will get back to you within the next 24 to 48 hours.
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