We applied our expertise experience with standardized quality. Here’s an overview of our standard:
WGS Standard Validation
Traceability Matrix
We provide dedicated and experienced tester in developing application or website
Our tester give you idea or suggestions that improve your quality software
Beside following the WGS standard, our tester also think outside of the box to found the bug
Client signature on SPK / Agreement
Short brief about the project / apps that consists of the description of the project, purpose of the project, target user, and integration to internal system (if any)
Client will need to assign one PIC as communication channel to Client’s teams
We will send a Daily or Weekly Report. Report is a great way to monitor our performance and ensure that projects stay on track.
Traceability Matrix (TM) is a table to track and verify the fulfilment of requirements
Test summary in the end of sprint used as a reference for tasks that have passed the test by QA
We’ve decided to add new features to this web platform. We’re satisfied with the quality and timeliness of your deliverables last time. Considering also that you worked on this platform from the beginning, we’re considering to use your services again.
Thachatat Kuvarakul Renewable Energy Advisor of Asean RE
(Flow and Documentation)
(Communication and project management tool)
(Report Template, Test Case, Tracebility Matrix, Automation Testing Tools)
(Whitebox, Greybox, Blackbox Test, QC Level 1-3)