Projects from our various amazing clients.


96 Portfolio Results
  • health-information-center
    Nutrifood: Health Information Center

    We build a cms in which user will be able to add more useful content. WordPress and jQuery is chosen sto fasten development time and accommodate cross-browser user-friendliness. We even add trivia game to improve information acceptance.

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  • sales-promotion-girl-management
    Nutrifood: Sales Promotion Girls (SPG) Management App

    An app system to manage Sales Promotion resources. Company policy, business flow and information are tailored into this app.

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  • regional-entertainment-information-portal
    Private in Singapore
    Regional Entertainment Information Portal

    Create a space for user to post their own news, including photos and videos.

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  • e-commerce-web-application-for-multiple-brands
    Nutrifood: e-Commerce Web Application for Multiple Brands

    WGS developed a market-fashioned product catalogues which carries the user empirical experiences as if they’re in the shop. The Client is known for its multi-faceted brands and each brand carries different swabs of colour and feel

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  • hotel-booking-web-app
    HIS: Hotel Booking Web App

    WGS integrated the App with other APIs and also splitted the web app into 2 channels for easier management by the client. Additional features are implemented to fulfill business requirements related with hotel management.

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  • responsive-web-marketing-campaign
    Leo Burnett
    Leo Burnett: Responsive Platform for Marketing Campaign

    WGS developed a web app with YouTube videos of the client’s promotional message embedded. The videos were published with Google annotations that persuade the viewer to learn more about the client’s campaign. Built by the suppleness of HTML5/CSS3, the web app is a responsive work and ensured to run smoothly on mobile devices.

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